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How to Calibrate a Tensiometer
2024-08-23 14:37

Tension meter is an instrument for measuring the tightness of wire and belt materials, such as yarn, steel wire, copper wire, cable, steel cable, film, bundled material, aluminum foil, etc. in static or dynamic state. It can provide accurate and quantitative tightness parameters for the production process to ensure that the tension remains stable or reaches the required value during the production process.

 yarn tenstion meter

Calibration method of lab tension meter: 2-point calibration

When the tension meter is not subjected to any tension, adjust the reading of the tension meter to 0, then hang a weight equivalent to 80% of the tension meter range (e.g., if the tension meter range is 10 kg, use an 8 kg weight) or a weight slightly larger than the material tension below the material to be tested, and then hang the other end of the material to be tested. At this time, the tension of the material to be tested is the weight of the weight. Now, use the tension meter to measure the tension of the material to be tested, and adjust the tension value of the tension meter to the same force as the weight of the weight. In this way, the calibration of the tension meter is completed.

 portable tensiometer

If the calibration function of the tensiometer is open, then when choosing a tension meter, you only need to select the range. If the diameter of the material being measured is the same, it is better to ask the manufacturer to calibrate it completely according to the material diameter before leaving the factory. If the diameter of the material being measured is slightly different and the accuracy requirement is not particularly strict, then the manufacturer can calibrate it according to the middle value of the material diameter.

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